
when you sit with her in her bedroom and play Barbies with her and the one blonde doll falls awkwardly next to Ken and she says, "they kissed" and the conversation that pulls all the years together begins:

"It's okay if they kiss because they're married."
"Yes. They are married. You are married."
"Yes. I am."
"Will I get married?"
"Yes, someday."
"Who will I marry?"
"I don't know. But God knows and he will show you. He'll show you lots of things when you need to know."
"He will? How? Does Jesus live in our tummies?"
"Yes, he lives in our hearts when we ask him to."
"Can I pray and ask Jesus to live in my heart so he can help me?"
"Now???! Sure!"

And she prays this full and confident and small prayer and she smiles and she knows Jesus will help her and we are blessed to watch the sufficiency of grace take root in this soul that wonders what her future will be like and we applaud a Living God who wraps his voice into the hallows of a little girl and sings His songs to her until she says YES! and we smile praise to the god who gives life and takes life and transforms life, who promises her a new heart and a new song and a life full of freedom and stability. 

let love and faithfulness never leave you. bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart