
when you move and it takes so much time and money and effort and you feel stressed for months but when the groove of days in the new place takes to the rhythm of life and you find yourself rejoicing in the simplicity of a small home. you have been given a gift, you realize, in moving here...the gift of less to clean, less to manage, less nonsense to have your heart wound up in; more breathing space, more motivation to work hard and rest fully, more space for thankfulness.

because there is time now to do what you've intended to do for years so you snap pictures today, every hour throughout the course of the day in an attempt to see the details, live in the moments, thrive within the gifts, the loveliness around you.

linking up to 10 on 10. breathing at the end of today with a huge sigh of gratitude for so many more than these 10 things...

 the little guy is practicing not sucking his thumb. earned a trip to the toy store today and it's no surprise that he chose legos.

sometimes you just need to dry superhero unders on the dashboard on the way to gymnastics.

haggard and worn by the end of the day. 

let love and faithfulness never leave you. bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart