
when you can't explain the bad mood or rationalize it away and it made a mess out of days and lives. when the man who loves deeply and who constantly chooses to look beyond your gray hair, dark under-eye bags and dilapidated body what with your hob along knee and strained back, your tight jaw and all the other stuff that is going downhill fast, he holds fast and firm when you think you're sinking in all your muck and he picks up dinner(s) and cleans up afterward and does laundry and grocery shops and remembers all the stuff you've forgotten during the last 3 grocery trips, he brings you Skinny Vanilla Lattes and lets you spew your heart and make peace with all the yuck. and when he finally stands up to set the day at rest he high-fives you with the relieving proclamation that he'll "take over teaching science for the team".

this man has learned that love is more than words, and has also learned the words of love. he is faithful and humble and gives love that frees you from the bad moods and aches and pains of life. because that's what love is: ever-deepening, ever-freeing, always guiding, walking through the hard days and dreary nights. by choice.

let love and faithfulness never leave you. bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart