Mighty to Save

I'll be honest here. Every once in a while, give or take, the Husband and I quarrel. We fight, yeah yeah yeah, who doesn't? We don't brawl, we don't throw things. At least not more than a dirty look or rolled eyes. It's life. We love each other but sometimes we disagree and fail to communicate well.

Tonight was one of those nights. He and I were in a tiff about something and so, after dinner when the kids had been excused from the table, I probed the issue because I thought it was going to be a mild discussion and not a heated debate. Well, it turned slightly heated. We try to save the serious or drawn-out stuff for after the kids are in bed, but since we started this discussion in front of the kids we also had to finish it in front of them.

It's absolutely amazing to me what kids hear and digest...all of the kids were playing in the other room quieter than they usually play. They were listening to us. Learning. Waiting for resolution.

We grownups continued our conversation and at one point I mentioned something about my feelings and his feelings and, okay fine, I didn't just mention it, I raised my voice and punctuated every word. Passionately.

That's when the 3-going-on-53-year-old came into the kitchen.

"Mom. You need to wait to feewit."
"Ok. Buddy."
"Mom, you need to wait for the feewit."

I'm translating this word as "feel it" which makes perfect sense given the conversation he overheard.

"Thank you. Yes, you're right, I need to control my feelings."
"No, Mom. You need to say Lord, I wait for the feewit."
"You are right. I need to pray when my feelings are getting carried away."
"No, Mom, the FEEWIT."

Oh my gosh, he's saying SPIRIT.

"Mom, you need to say, Lord I will wait for the spirit and then you wait and the Spirit comes and helps you in your heart."

Dear Jesus, this boy is preaching to me about things beyond his years.

He continues...
"And when you say Lord, I wait for the Spirit, then you can say Lord you are Mighty and you are in my heart and Lord you're Savior..."

And then he went on and on and on about the things he knows about God. Somethings were recognizable to me because they were pulled from songs he knows, other things were simple truths that he's been taught by all of the people in his life who want him understand the God Who Loves and the God Who Saves. And I'm sure that some things he told me were words from God himself to the heart of a little boy who was seeking love and seeking to comfort the people he loves.

A few weeks ago my boy asked Jesus to come live in his heart. Some have questioned whether or not a 3 year old can really have a true faith. But I say a boy who is able to apply the mysteries of God and the Holy Spirit has something. And if that something isn't an assurance of faith, I don't know what is.


Written on the tablet of his heart.
let love and faithfulness never leave you. bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart