baby girl

wednesday was an exciting day for the polings. at 1:43, maile elise was born. i'll spare you the horrific details of her arrival, but when all was said and done she's a healthy gorgeous addition to the family. we're trying to figure out the girl thing...i haven't referred to her as "he" all day! and thanks to paige, she now is wearing pink (which helps my brain process the girl thing).

caleb and logan sing her name (which is pretty cute because neither of them can say their "L's") and they check in on her constantly. ryan is my hero because he's taking care of all of us.

Caleb's facial expression is genuine...He's so excited to have a sister.

Logan's identifying Maile's nose, feet, hands and matching it to his own.

let love and faithfulness never leave you. bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart