3 Days 'til Christmas

A brief list of some of my favorite things. Just for kicks.

1. Covergirl Wet Slicks lip gloss #510. Seriously, ladies, this will change your life. Or maybe it won't, I don't know. I'm not a huge make-up puter-oner, but I hate leaving the house (or being home, for that matter) looking like a tired-out mom with a bunch of kids who haven't let her sleep a full 8 hours at night for years. And this lip gloss helps a little with that. It may even make me a nicer person.

2. Qwirkle. This game is fabulous for early elementary kids. They use shapes and colors to make rows and earn points. My six year old loves this game and so do I.

3. Redeeming Love. My all time favorite book by Francine Rivers.

4. This lovely, funny blog that is just a simple pleasure.

5. O Holy Night. My favorite Christmas song. Here is an amazing rendition by the sister of a friend.

At Christmastime I often consider all the ways that I am beyond blessed. These, my favorite things, are trivial in comparison to the richness of grace, family, love and life that I have been given.
let love and faithfulness never leave you. bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart