This One May be Hung in a Museum One Day

It was an ordinary Sunday morning except the part where we were ready for church early and so I let Dogin (as named by his little sister) play with water colors. Which I don't do. I don't like it when my kids do crafts. Wait, that's not true. I don't like doing crafts with my kids in my house. It's too messy and it stresses me out. And sometimes makes me yell. So I don't really know why I said yes to painting before church, but I did and the end result was pretty fantastic, save the blue paint on his pants:

I complimented about how fantastic it is and how amazing his art is, and his brother Kbub (as named by his little sister) did too.

"It's great, but what is it?"

The artist responded, "It's aaaaaaaaaall poo."

If this is what it is to be 4 years old, I can't wait to see what comes when he's 13.
let love and faithfulness never leave you. bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart